Recent Papers

For a complete list of papers from the Derocher lab see ResearcherID or Google Scholar

From 2014:

1. The Influence of Weather and Lemmings on Spatiotemporal Variation in the Abundance of Multiple Avian Guilds in the Arctic
Barry G Robinson, Alastair Franke, Andrew E Derocher


2. Influence of intraspecific competition on the distribution of a wide‐ranging, non‐territorial carnivore
Nicholas W Pilfold, Andrew E Derocher, Evan Richardson


3. Estimating Allee Dynamics before They Can Be Observed: Polar Bears as a Case Study
Péter K Molnár, Mark A Lewis, Andrew E Derocher


4. Polar bear predatory behaviour reveals seascape distribution of ringed seal lairs
Nicholas W Pilfold, Andrew E Derocher, Ian Stirling, Evan Richardson


5. Variation in the response of an Arctic top predator experiencing habitat loss: feeding and reproductive ecology of two polar bear populations
Karyn D Rode, Eric V Regehr, David C Douglas, George Durner, Andrew E Derocher, Gregory W Thiemann, Suzanne M Budge

Sunset over Dundas


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