We do our field work once a year (spring) in the Beaufort Sea region and twice a year (spring and fall) in Churchill, Manitoba. Each outing lasts 2-6 weeks, though many of these days are “weather days”.
All field work is reviewed before proceeding by the University of Alberta BioSciences Animal Policy and Welfare Committee and the Environment Canada Prairie and Northern Region Animal Care Committee. We use Telazol® for immobilization. If you have any questions about our field work, please feel free to contact us using the Contact form.
- Measuring width of a polar bear paw- Ian Stirling
- Large human male hand compared to adult male polar bear front paw- Alysa McCall
- Fat female – Ian Stirling
- Long leg hair on male- Ian Stirling
- Big scar on face of adult male- Alysa McCall
- Scar on inner leg of adult male- Alysa McCall
- Measuring length- Ian Stirling
- Measuring girth- Alysa McCall
- Purple tongue- Ian Stirling
- Collaring a female- Alysa McCall
- Old collar – Alysa McCall
- Porcupine versus polar bear- Ian Stirling
- Male missing a canine- Ian Stirling
- Young male with two broken canines- Alysa McCall
- Probing a snow ridge- Ian Stirling
- Tattoo pliers- Ian Stirling
- Lip tattoo X10070- Ian Stirling
- Pulling a vestigial tooth to age a bear- Alysa McCall
- Tooth annuli in a 7 year old bear- Ian Stirling
- Dundas Polynya- Ian Stirling
- Field camp- Andy Derocher
- Isolated field camp- Andy Derocher
- Another way to view polar bears- Alysa McCall